Concordia Learning Landscapes Arboretum Accredited on Arbor Day!

The best possible news on National Arbor Day (and as of March 2024, April is Oregon Arbor Month):

Our application for Level I ArbNet accreditation for the Concordia Learning Landscapes Arboretum was approved!

To qualify for Level 1, the Tree Team had to submit documentation showing that the Concordia Learning Landscapes Arboretum at Alliance H.S. had the following components:

  • An operational or strategic plan

  • An oversight group that has the authority to govern the space

  • A collection of trees, at least 25 species, labeled and managed in accordance with the plan

  • A group dedicated to maintenance and management

  • A “public dimension” — such as public access, community engagement, educational materials, and events

ArbNet notified the Tree Team on Friday, April 26th, of the Level 1 approval. Thank you to Sue and the ArbNet team for their gracious notification.


The effort to develop the neighborhood space into the Concordia Learning Landscapes Arboretum has been many years in the making (read this article for an overview).

Thank you to everyone who contributed over the years.

At right, a photo from the first planting of trees at CLLA back on April 2, 2010. The group photo is of science students at the Alliance High School who came out to help. The very first tree they planted was a bur oak.

Below at right: Barb Wharton and Jim Gersbach (Concordia Tree Team members) digging a hole for a Julian hackberry, one of the new trees planted that day.


Fantastic Earth Day Walking Tour