Get Involved
Do you want to connect with the Concordia Tree Team?
Do you have a favorite Concordia neighborhood tree?
A question about the Arboretum?
Have you or your neighbors cared for a tree, or have a story about the medians?
Would you be willing to help us water trees in the summer, or monitor tree health at critical periods?
Do you have another talent or idea to engage the neighborhood in the urban forest?
Interested in a tour?
Have a great picture of a tree that you want to share?
We are so glad! Contact the Concordia Tree Team.
You can also reach out to the City of Portland’s Urban Forestry team.
Please share our website widely! We love Instagram and seeing your own snaps of the neighborhood.
Dean Tilles and Ric Vetter, neighborhood voluntary tree pruners
Know where this tree is? Send us a note when you find it!