Evergreen Guided Walk
Take a self-guided walk to see evergreen trees!
Here in the Northwest we usually think of evergreen trees as being conifers. And Oregon certainly has vast forests of evergreen conifers, such as Douglas-fir.
However, Oregon has at least two large broadleaf evergreen trees that are native to the state - Oregon myrtle (called California bay by our neighbors to the south) and madrone.
More than 90 percent of all street trees in Portland are deciduous, meaning they lose their leaves in fall. In a city where rain falls mainly in the winter, that means they are at their least effective in slowing runoff just when Portland as at its rainiest.
Broadleaf trees never stop providing those environmental benefits. Year round they are buffering noise, cleaning the air of pollutants, and providing wildlife with shelter from cold winter winds.
Tree icons on the interactive Linear Arboretum map are color coded to make it easier to zoom in on the ones that interest you. The green tree icons are trees that hold their leaves or needles all year long.
Blue Atlas Cedar
Silverleaf Oak
Andean podocarp