Fall Color Self-Guided Tour
Japanese stewartia
Take a self-guided walk to see trees with good autumn color!
Fall color trees offer eye-catching fall color - butter yellow, vibrant orange, rich red and gorgeous scarlet.
Some trees, such as katsuras, begin to turn color early - as soon as mid-September. But most will begin turning color some time in October. Many are leafless by Halloween. Others may not reach the peak of their fall color until well into November. Lavalle hawthorns may not be at the peak of their fall color till well after Thanksigiving!
Note that fall color can vary in intensity depending on many weather-related factors. Usually if trees are not in drought going into fall and days are sunny with cool temperatures but not freezing at night they will have better fall color.
Tree icons on the interactive Linear Arboretum map are color coded to make it easier to zoom in on the ones that interest you. Find the fall color trees.
Muskogee crepe myrtle
Kousa dogwood
Washington hawthorn
Fuyu Asian Persimmon