Free Neighborhood Tree Pruning

Trees located in the parking strip of a property (between the sidewalk and the street) are in a tough place. The City has right of way, but the property owner is responsible for caring for the trees. It is easy to for these trees to grow beyond the small space allotted to them. Their branches might be broken in awkward ways, or the people living in the house may not really notice the trees.

As published in the Concordia News October edition >> see copy here >> the Concordia Tree Team will be knocking on doors and offering free pruning support for small parking strip trees.

Each autumn, we select a different area of Concordia to prune small street trees with the permission of the homeowner.

Residents can consent to our services by following guidance on hang-tags we leave on doors or by signing consent forms when our volunteers canvas the streets that will be covered this year.

The current schedule is as follows:

  • October 8-9, October 16: Canvassing. Knocking on doors with eligible trees, leaving door tags, everyone will be wearing yellow Urban Forestry volunteer vests.

  • October 19, October 22-23, October 30: Pruning. Return to consenting homeowners’ property, proper tools and tool cleaning practices, trained team leaders.

The Tree Team has a pruning permit until early November 2022. Talk to us if you have questions!


Finding the Tree Within


Heritage Trees — a Special Designation