Meet Lizzy Hildebrand, Concordia Tree Team member
Meet Lizzy Hildebrand, a Concordia Tree Team member and graduate of the City of Portland Urban Forestry’s Tree Steward Program. You might have seen her walking her dogs along the Arboretum, knocking on your door to help with pruning your trees, or welcoming people to a tree walk. (She is so devoted that she wanted to use her profile to plug the upcoming spring pruning and Earth Day events!)
How long have you lived near the Arboretum? How has it changed over time?
I moved to the Concordia neighborhood from Detroit in 1999. I originally came to Portland to be closer to my sister and her family, who, ironically, moved to Idaho shortly after I came! I lived in a small white house on NE 38 ave near Killingsworth. The neighborhood was much different then - much quieter- no New Seasons and Alberta street was mostly empty - just a few shops.
How do you use the Arboretum space?
At first alone and a little lonesome, I took long walks along Ainsworth and found solace and peace being surrounded by beautiful trees watching how they changed through the seasons. As time moved on, I have enjoyed daily walks being accompanied through the space with 3 different four-footed friends. First there was Stella, a spunky 14-year-old black lab mix who came with my now husband Eric. Then came 12 years walking with Polly, a gentle yellow dog who loved walking in the rain. Now there is Aldo, a COVID rescue from Texas, an outgoing, gregarious creature who thrives on meeting neighbors and other dogs along the arboretum.
Do you have a favorite tree?
The Yellow Fever Magnolia on Ainsworth near 31st. Its beautiful yellow flower blooms in early spring and brightens up the whole street.
Do you have a favorite experience?
While taking a very early walk on St. Patricks Day 2005 with Stella, I saw a house on 26th with a for-sale sign. I fell in love. Eric and I have lived here since.
Any hopes for the future of the urban forest in our neighborhood?
My biggest step for hope is people learning about their tree neighbors - who the trees are, what they need to thrive, what threatens them. The ALA website is a fantastic resource for this! Neighbors "adopting" trees near them--it is as easy as pulling weeds in the spring and watering them in the summer.
Do you have a recommendation for interested neighbors?
Join the Concordia Tree Team! I started with the team in 2008. It has been a great way to get involved with our tree community, make friends and help preserve our beautiful trees! There are lots of projects and events to get involved in and you don't need experience to join. The team is an eclectic bunch and we have a lot of fun.
Lizzy in a green hat, along with Concordia Tree Team members (left to right) Ric, Amy, and Barbara, welcoming attendees on an autumn Arboretum walk.