Restarting the City Tree Inventory

Kicking off on July 16 at Fernhill

The Portland Tree Inventory project was a huge multi-year volunteer effort to catalogue data from all street and park trees in the City. Now available as an amazing GIS data set (go to the GIS tool>>), this helps the City assess the condition of our urban forest, estimate tree canopy, and make plans for planting and maintenance.

This effort is starting again! This time, it will be focused on street trees, fewer data points, and led by City employees rather than volunteers. Kicking off the effort is the neighborhood of Concordia, a wink to the original beginning of the Inventory. The tentative date and place to start is Fernhill Park on July 16th.

Did you know that the City has neighborhood tree plans?

All of the plans and support materials are listed here in the Index, but in particular, you can find


Concordia Tree Inventory Event: Saturday July 16


GREAT Arboretum Walk, plus Tree Care 101