Sat Sept 28: Celebration for the new Concordia Learning Landscape Arboretum (Meek)
Lise weeding the Quercus dentata, June 2023
Concordia residents and those in surrounding neighborhoods are cordially invited to drop by the celebration on Saturday, Sept. 28 marking the designation of the grounds at the former Meek School (4039 NE Alberta Court) as an officially Level 1 Arboretum. Called the Concordia Learning Landscape Arboretum, the collection of trees on the schoolgrounds are only the third Portland arboretum officially recognized by the Morton Arboretum in Chicago's ArbNet certification program. The other two are Hoyt Arboretum in Portland's West Hills and Leach Botanic Garden in SE Portland.
The fun starts at 9 a.m. with refreshments, tree trivia games, tree giveaways, tree coloring for kids and adults, and a raffle for prizes and services. Volunteers with the Concordia Tree Team will be on hand to give free pruning demonstrations and walks every quarter hour to learn about the trees at Meek. You can come and signup at the event for free pruning of your street trees this fall (Concordia residents only and trees must be less than 6" in diameter). The event goes until 11 a.m.
Concordia volunteers helped establish the first plantings that became the arboretum back in April 2010. Every year since then they have watered, weeded and mulched the trees to keep them alive and in good health.
A primary focus of the arboretum is a diverse selection of oaks from four continents - both evergreen and deciduous. A second focus is relict species - trees that are only one or two members in their genus, such as ginkgo, dawn redwood, and hardy Chinese rubber tree.
For more information, visit